Swedish COVID-19 Sample Collection Database

Home / Stockholms Medicinska Biobank / Medfödd benägenhet att utveckla svår covid19-infektion


Medfödd benägenhet att utveckla svår covid19-infektion

Description: This sample collection will be part of the study “Genetic predisposition for severe covid19” where we will investigate genetic causes for developing severe covid19-infection. The collection material stored will be DNA from individuals that have had a covid19-infection confirmed by either PCR or serology or both. We will also have clinical data about the individual’s disease course. The sample collection started in the beginning of 2021 and we will collect up to 2000 samples.
Stockholms Medicinska Biobank
Local collection ID (within the biobank):
BbK 2447

General information

Collection size:
100 - 1000 (as of 2021-01-15)
Disease specific Hospital Sample
Biological samples Medical records
Start date of sampling:
End date of sampling:
Collection preserved at least until:
Ethical approval number:
2020-02322 and 2020-05618

Donor information

Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis; U07.1
Number of donors:
100 - 1000
Inclusion criteria: Samples included will be patients that have undergone a covid19-infection. All participants will be under the age of 60 at the time of infection. All samples will be collected in Sweden.
Exclusion criteria: Age >60 years.

Sample information

Collection contact information
Collection head: Magnus Nordenskjöld
Contact person: Magnus Nordenskjöld
Biobank contact information
Stockholms Medicinska Biobank
Registration number at IVO: 914